Sunday, April 26, 2020

Death - Pursuit of the Absolute?

Lately, I have found myself pondering quite a bit about the mystery of death. Why is everyone so scared of dead? We all will die, that's inevitable. Then doesn't it make sense to instead embrace it, understand it? I am not talking about hurting self, that's against the flow of creation. What I am talking about is following where the universe intends to take us. When you see a movie that indulges you, you enjoy it. However, could you still enjoy your most favourite movie in an infinite loop? Imagine the agony of a student who has failed and thus is compelled to repeat his class.

We need an end - like the period in a sentence. Everything that we dislike, hate, love or cherish must have an end. I feel we are mostly frightened of unknown rather than death itself. Didn't you sometimes in your life take a leap of faith and dived into. Many times the objective science did it too, that’s how we discovered the vaccine of polio. I don’t think, the leap of faith comes out arbitrary, you sense it, you observe it quietly coming, promising a gateway to the unprecedented horizon and gradually manifesting into intuition. It might work or perhaps would never. However, when you know what you are doing is not working either, isn’t it better to seek out the truth beyond the familiarity? If you haven't ever come across this intuition, which I doubt, I am truly sorry, you can't even know what have you missed. When death comes, instead of welcoming it, we start crying. Everything, including knowns and unknowns, is temporary, it will keep changing, everyone you know will die, everything you own will vanish eventually, it's all illusion. Again, No I am not arguing about harming self, that's pure sin, not because of what I have been told, but because in essence, you are asking for a favour from this universe to take you out of this loop of life and death and then you sway against its rule and hope to get what you want. You won't. You break your own pledge, that you had made to the cosmos when you had rearrived, to return only when you would be called. Besides getting rid of the physical body is too damm easy, what about disposing your fears, your lust, greed, envy, desires, pride and attachments first - can you easily get rid of them, too? When your time comes, and if you have already renounced these, you will not have fear of losing this physical existence, made of ashes.

I feel, there is nothing fearful about death, the death will be a celebration if we live our time nobly and justly, and then we will keep living in the hearts and stories, remembered and forgotten. We will exist nowhere and everywhere. If we embrace death this way, death will not barge into our homestead but instead would lovingly arrive as our dearest friend whom we didn't get to meet for a long long time. Do not repeat the mistakes, again and again, don't hurt a soul, including yours, consciously; make penance for your sins till you have time, change lives, do good, and perhaps you will return to the totality. We need to die, we must be willing to die someday so that we could relish this life before it comes to its conclusion, the final conclusion.

“Life is just a memory, bitter or sweet, it is nothing but a memory.” ~ Aghori Sri Vimalananda

Suggested read:
The first series of Aghora trilogy: Aghora I: At the Left Hand of God
The book gives a glimpse into the spiritual journey of Aghori Sri Vimalananda.

“The more you become aware of death’s certitude, he would say, the more urgently you will strive to live an impeccable life, to seek a healthy relationship with that infinite and permanent reality that lies beyond our world of the temporary and the mundane.

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