Monday, September 14, 2020


When I go to my village, I use to just hang around my mother's room - the same room where she came as a newly wedded woman for the first time. I know she was there once. From the same room, she wedded her firstborn. In the same room, I use to sleep alongside her. That's the best part of my memories. Sometimes, it feels like, she was just there, even though while the whole house is empty. Nobody lives there anymore. If being in four dimensions ever possible, I could have even seen her. I will make sure to keep her memory no matter what.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

#(3) One Day - To A Known Place [...]

Looking now, based solely on my own personal wealth, I could only sustainable myself for a year. Simply put, I could be on the street, if I just lose my all sources of income, all together at once, which are anyway very few. That's what I have.

Looking back, once this happened to Parents, they lost everything. Yet, I never saw them living in fear of the future, I never saw them struggling. I never understood why there was no chaos. They were-are always fine with the less and be happy about everything. I want to be there.